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This application note describes the software changes that you can make to slow down a
Gamry Instruments’ potentiostat. Slowing down the potentiostat can improve its stability.
These changes presume a working knowledge of Gamry Instruments’ Explain™ scripting
language. The Gamry Framework Tutorial contains an exercise in which you make changes to
a script. We highly recommend that you review the Tutorial material prior to making changes.
Some predesigned experiments in Gamry Instruments’ Framework software already
incorporate the ability to change the speed of the potentiostat, such as within the Physical
Electrochemistry group of experiments. For example, in Framework, in the menu bar,
choose Experiment, and from the drop-down menu, choose Physical Electrochemistry.
In the submenu, choose Cyclic Voltammetry. The Cyclic Voltammetry window appears......

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