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Sequence Wizard轻松创建复杂的测试序列
提 供 商: 美国Gamry电化学 资料大小:
图片类型: 下载次数: 38 次
资料类型: PDF 浏览次数: 1213 次

For more flexibility, Gamry Instruments enables the user several ways to perform
electrochemical measurements. The user can chose from a variety of pre-built techniques
which are subordinated in specific groups in the Framework software. In addition, Gamry’s
concept of “Open Source Scripting” allows the user to modify the experiment’s script source
and to customize experiments.
For combining single experiments, the Sequence Wizard can be used which is the subject of
this application note. The Sequence Wizard has the advantage that complex measurement
sequences can be easily created by using a drag and drop approach. In this way customized
experiments can be executed consecutively without interfering disruptions.

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